Friday, December 25, 2009

Water Tank

80,000 liter water tank

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Preparing the Land

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Progress is moving along

It is so exciting watching our project for the ministry to the wives and children of the prison inmates coming together. The land paid for, well dug, (needs to go deeper) all the material bought for the water tank.

Damian's vision right now is to have sufficient water, raise the walls for the multipurpose (church, dining room, teaching center and play area for the kids) plus bathrooms and a taco stand to help earn money to cover daily expenses.

The last two days there has been a grader to level a couple of hills for the start of all this building. "Whoo ya, pastor". We have to do this as the money comes in! He on the other hand says he is working on faith. He needs the money to pay for the grader by tomorrow.

I know of a couple of checks in the mail but they haven't arrived as yet nor do I know the amount of these checks.

Well, to be truthful, the Lord in all my 71 years has NEVER been late so it will be fun to see how this comes out.

I talked with Damian on the phone earlier today and he has some new photos, so will get those up tomorrow.

Thanks for standing with us. God is doing a marvelous thing here.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Building Project Update for Una Esperanza

Pastor Damian stopped by this morning on his way to Pochutla to see if any money had come in. I was able to give him enough to buy the cement block for the walls of the water tank.

He then gave me a list of some of the material needed for the water tank and for the columns for the  multipurpose church building for Una Esperanza. He needs sand and gravel, rebar for the columns, cement, alambre (not sure how to translate this but know what it is (LOL) and paint for the metal bars we already have for the roof of the multpupose building. Then there will also be wages for those helping to install the church and build the water tank.

Here it is the end of the year and maybe you need more deductables for 2009. Agape Mission Projects is a non-profitable organization and your financial support is tax deductable.

I will keep you all up to date as the progress of this project. I am also going out right now to buy a little groceries for the young wife and children living at our church here in the Huatulco beach colonial La Cruzacita.

You can send support to:
Agape Mission Projects
5126 W. Olive Ave. # 183
Glendale, Arizona 85302