Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Update on restuarant and social center

Pastor Damian is quite the visionary and God shows him how to do many things he had never attempted before. All this building construction is part of his dreams.

He did discuss with me about a roof for the resturant and social center. A grass palapa for this area wasn't feasible. We talked about a southwestern tiled roof. Too expensive. Then we talked about a metal roof like the children's center. I suggested maybe a brick red metal roof until I went into town to meet friends and saw how bad some of the buildings there looked with the cheap roofing. But not really so cheap.

Humm. What is the solution? Should have known that Pastor Damian would be shown what to do. Ahh it sometimes makes me feel useless. LOL Anyway we will go with a cement roof  which will last a long long time and we can finish the trim in the tile as we have the money to do just that. Most of the material has been bought and is in storage off the property. They are now building the forms to pour the roof. I'll try to get photos this weekend.

How has all this happened in today's economy? Believe me, it has been strictly by faith. I believe in living by faith but even I have had my scary moments when no money has come in and workers have to be paid. Invariable money has come, in totally unexpected ways through new sources each week. I weep seeing God at work as we move forward daily.

God bless each of you who have been willing to send funds for this project to reach the families of those who might otherwise fall into the wrong way of life that their fathers fell into. Our desire is to show them God's way for a better life!! The restuarant use will help put some of the people to work to earn a living and also from the profits help to defray the daily cost of expenses such as utilities,etc for the center.

Completion of the children's center

Why are there no walls? Walls produce heat so we do without where we can. We may in the future put up a partial bamboo wall.

This was originally the post and roof of our church in La Cruzacita. Then we had to move our location next door and had room for only a smaller place until God provides us with the front property facing the main boulevard. (That's by faith!!)

Here they are pouring the cement floor. Floors go in after walls and roofs in Mexico. This will be used for our church services until we build our main santuary behind the social center. You can see the social center in the background here.

A few of the members from our La Cruzacita church brought the plants for the area and today fertilizer and dirt was brought in to plant them permantely. The group stayed for the afternoon service. There is no electicity yet at the center. We are trying to get a special permit from the govenment since this is a place to help the needy in the prison system and other poor families. There are now five families living at the center and two more hope to move here soon.