Friday, December 25, 2009

Water Tank

80,000 liter water tank

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Preparing the Land

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Progress is moving along

It is so exciting watching our project for the ministry to the wives and children of the prison inmates coming together. The land paid for, well dug, (needs to go deeper) all the material bought for the water tank.

Damian's vision right now is to have sufficient water, raise the walls for the multipurpose (church, dining room, teaching center and play area for the kids) plus bathrooms and a taco stand to help earn money to cover daily expenses.

The last two days there has been a grader to level a couple of hills for the start of all this building. "Whoo ya, pastor". We have to do this as the money comes in! He on the other hand says he is working on faith. He needs the money to pay for the grader by tomorrow.

I know of a couple of checks in the mail but they haven't arrived as yet nor do I know the amount of these checks.

Well, to be truthful, the Lord in all my 71 years has NEVER been late so it will be fun to see how this comes out.

I talked with Damian on the phone earlier today and he has some new photos, so will get those up tomorrow.

Thanks for standing with us. God is doing a marvelous thing here.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Building Project Update for Una Esperanza

Pastor Damian stopped by this morning on his way to Pochutla to see if any money had come in. I was able to give him enough to buy the cement block for the walls of the water tank.

He then gave me a list of some of the material needed for the water tank and for the columns for the  multipurpose church building for Una Esperanza. He needs sand and gravel, rebar for the columns, cement, alambre (not sure how to translate this but know what it is (LOL) and paint for the metal bars we already have for the roof of the multpupose building. Then there will also be wages for those helping to install the church and build the water tank.

Here it is the end of the year and maybe you need more deductables for 2009. Agape Mission Projects is a non-profitable organization and your financial support is tax deductable.

I will keep you all up to date as the progress of this project. I am also going out right now to buy a little groceries for the young wife and children living at our church here in the Huatulco beach colonial La Cruzacita.

You can send support to:
Agape Mission Projects
5126 W. Olive Ave. # 183
Glendale, Arizona 85302

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Water Tank

The other day Damian and I went to our friends building supply store to see about buying a tenaco, a  large storage unit for water. It was going to cost around $350 dollars for the size of 2,500 liters we were thinking of.

The next day Damian stopped by my room and God spoke to him that we needed a larger storage unit than the 2,500 liter storage. So he priced building a water storage tank that would hold 15,000 gallons. Oh my, the size of a small swimming pool. But the cost will only be a around $700 dollars. It will hold six times the water, built of cement and enclosed, all above ground.

We do have one water well, but so far it is producing very little water. What will it be in the dry season? And with us expecting many families to come live on the property plus growing our food, well??

Anyway I told him, "that is a great idea". He wants to start tomorrow! "OK. But we have one small problem. There is no money left in the bank for supplies to start."

So prayer warriors help us pray in the needed expenses immediately. I've seen Our Lord do that for us through many miracles so we are expecting to start ASAP. He will supply all our needs according to His purpose. Since this was first posted a Canadian friend is coming down and giving the first $100 on this project.

Paid In Full

Just in the nick of time the exact amount came in to pay for the tires for the Suburban. Our God is never late and He laid it on two different people in two different countries to pay for two tires each.

Thank You Jesus!!

WE have been able to safely carry people in and out of San Agustin that has extremely bad roads safely.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Suburban

We did end up importing the suburban. IT cost us $1,400 dollars but it is done. It is much better as Sheri doesn't need to be in the vehicle when used.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our Daily Bread

Just want to bring you up to date on the latest happenings with our projects.

Just got the four wheel drive Suburban we needed for transportation for the missions of San Agustin, Una Esperanza Huatulco and other outreach events. Would like to have it imported but it will cost at least $1,600 dollars so may put that off for now. That means I have to be in the vehicle at all times whoever drives but God will provide, in His timing, not mine.

Water Well and More: We have had a supporter send funds for one of the needed wells. That means we won't have to haul water from forty minutes away daily. I also picked up some donated tents, tools and a Honda 3000 generator over the last couple of days. I still need to pick up some possible building items from Gilbert, a sewing machine and more toys for the kids. I have been packing today. Without a trailer I need to pack carefully.

Construction needs: We have been talking to different teams regarding buildings needed, like the multipurpose building with a kitchen for feeding. We have lots of kitchen appliances at our campground in the mountains and will make a trip to bring down a lot of things after I return. I hope to add a wood burning domed oven so we can bake breads, cook meats and make my famous pizza for the people. We need to build additional bathrooms first as we will use tents to start with for temporary housing until we can get dorm like rooms built. We are working with the architect with a prototype for our buildings. We want to stay within the cultural setting.

Agriculture: We have been given some seeds to grow some of our own food like tomatoes, cucumbers and watermelon and peppers but will need to buy some seed in Mexico as it is past season here. Not sure when we will have the greenhouse ready. Our corn is looking good already.

Retail Opportunities: One University in Texas is interested in building us a store and stocking it where we can sell sodas and snack type foods along with crafts made by the families. We have some new ideas also of new things they can make. Hope to also open a Baja fish taco stand, where people can stop on their travels for the taste of a good Baja taco that a friend from Napa, California sells in his restaurant. They are coming down for the "Gran Fiesta" in November and will be sharing their recipes with Damian's son. I also think having a coffee stand there will be successful and we can sell roasted coffee from my area in the Lachiguiri Mountains. It is very difficult to find a cup of coffee on the road. I'd like us to have Una Esperanza Coffee mugs for sell also. Our goal is to make this eventually a self supporting project, at least for the day by day expenses.

Electricity: We are getting a lot of good info on alternative electricity. Wind generators, solar and other means. One new company who is still working on their patent says their new system should be able to generate power for the whole village we are creating. This would help tremendously as normal electricity for a project like this would be unthinkable. Especially since our goal is for a clinic and a school for the children in the near future.

Children's Club: We have puppets and some Spanish DVD's of children's videos and lots of toys for our center. We want to give them love and build relationships with the children showing them the love Christ has for them.

Spousal Needs: We hope to have teaching material for the building of the family unit with the women and children, again listening to them and their needs and showing them genuine love. A church in Puebla, Mexico will be sending us their material they have designed.

I'm sure I have forgotten some things as they are happening so fast.

Our Spiritual Needs: Do continue to pray for this project. This will take lots of financial help and I believe God still will provide even during this economical crisis here in the states. This is a project worth helping as we help those families living on the streets because their one family member is in prison. Statistics say that when a family member is in prison many of the children end up later also in jail. We can minimize this by giving the children a loving Christian family atmosphere showing them God's love for them in a healthy relationship.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Testimony of onsite pastor of Una Espeanza Huatulco

Click on the link in the left column under Testimonies... to read the story of Lorenzo Rendon who Pastor Damian appointed the new on site pastor at Una Esperanza Huatulco. Lorenzo became a Christian and was baptized while in prison under Pastor Damian.

Five Wooden primitive cottages

Dear brothers and friends from Una Esperanza HUATULCO:

At present this humble and simple project in the love of Christ is beginning its growth through education and the support of you who have taken on us, to support the people with a simple purpose of God's love

Today we have a few poor families they live on our land, having built 5 wooden primitive cottages. We thank God that we have planted a part of the ground with corn. It is already growing and that these lands are very fertile as soon there will be corn, Italian squash, watermelons and other products within the project. We will have a greenhouse provided where we can grow tomatos and peppers.

So very soon we wish to see many of you ladies and dear brothers we love who we invite to continue supporting this work. You are sowing good seed for Una Esperanza Huatulo.

Very soon this place will be populated by people who are truly in need of an area of land included in the pictures taken this morning, August 7th of a little history by my son, Gonzalo Emmanuel Cruz Martinez.

THE VISION ON THE FUTURE is that we have a carpentry workshop and blacksmith to teach the youth a trade. We want to build a CENTER AND RECREATION area for training and to teach them God's word.


Pastor of Agape HUATULCO

Monday, August 3, 2009

Recent Special Events

To read about recent events such as the latest major outreach in the prison and the dedication of the property for Una Esperanza Huatulco click from the Una Esperanza Huatulco links under Special Events.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Slideshow of Una Esperanza Huatulco

We are in a subtropical setting on the main highway between Huatulco and Puerta Escondido. This is how the land looks today. We have 5 acres paid for. Help us purchase the other 12 acres at $2,000 dollars each so we can go forward with wells, alternative electricity, bathrooms, and the multipurpose Palapa that will serve as a kitchen, Bible Clubs for the kids, a church, training center for the families of the incarcerated prisoners, etc.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Pastor Damian with Miguelito

In English it is called "ONE HOPE HUATULCO "

I had been given some land by a business lady, Maria Carmen Cardenas. She gave me the confidence to open a small food stand to obtain a little income for my family. This was a short time after I had obtained my freedom of 10 years in prison.

That first morning when I arrived at the edge of this land, I had only a machete and a shovel to start my work there. As a Christian, I looked for a small place to double my knees and to entrust my work into the hands of the eternal God.

As I was finishing my prayer, a boy of about 7 years, with a small voice interrupted my thought with a question:

"What are you do there"?

I answered him, "I am praying"

He then asked me, "Why"?

And I answered him, "so that God will help me".

Immediately he said to me, "Pray for my Papa, so that he will be healed because he is very ill and in addition, he drinks a lot and we suffer much because he is a drunkard."

I asked him: "What is your name"

He answered me, "Miguelito" (little Michael). "I live with my mama in that small house across the road on that hill".

The boy's face showed sadness and suffering of their extreme poverty. I also sensed the necessity of his need of a little affection and attention.

Today thanks to God, Miguelito's Papa has been healed of his severe disease. Also, He has been healed of his alcoholism. Today they live on our land which is the project "One Hope Huatulco".

I know many other needy families but right now there are three families with us. The food stand hasn't been built but we do have a little "Chocita" shelter against the rain and a place to cook that I constructed at the outset that serves as a church, where every Tuesday and Saturday we give glory and honor to GOD.

Miguelito now is better person .....



Miguelito's family's new house

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The vision for Una Esperanza

One vision God gave Pastor Damian was for a shelter and outreach center where families can be ministered to for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. This encludes the neglected families of the prisoners. He already ministers to the inmates at the Pochutla Federal prison.

There are about 450 inmates here. Families are allowed to visit or spend the weekend. The families are expected to provide their food, personal hygiene, clothing,etc. The family doesn't have food for themselves let alone the inmate. They may be from another town or village, without means to support the children.

There is a stigma for the children because their parent is in jail. Most of these children do not attend school because they don't have the money for the uniforms, shoes, or books they must buy. (We are looking into a means to help them with their education.)

The plan is to start a feeding program and some housing for those who need it. We already have a source for new clothing. We have some medical and dental teams who have volunteered to come down.

We already have Bible studies every Tuesday night. We want to start a Bible Club for children to teach them of God's love. There will be many activities and fiestas for them.

For the daily operation we are looking for ways for the center to be self-supporting. We have talked with friends who want to donate seeds for producing their own food, taco stands and a store to sell things that the prisoners and families produce. A retail mini-market may be donated by an American university, etc.

How will we feed the Children?

Yesterday, Pastor Damian took food to the prison for the in-house pastor and his family. They had no food. Prisoners are allowed one bowl of gruel a day. What is gruel? That is the question. One never knows what is in the watery soup they eat. Pastor was very happy after he visited the inmate pastor knowing we had helped this brother. He then spent time encouraging him in the word and teaching him from the classes he had with our Agape Mission online Bible School conferences.

With 450 inmates we desire to help the families who are destitute. Our desire is to fi
rst feed them and then when they are full, teach them of God's love. He wants to be their friend and know them personally.

How can we feed so many? We can start with
miracles like when Jesus fed the 5,000. I have seen food multiplied while living in Lachiguiri during times of food crisis.

With about
17 acres of land we will be cultivating crops both for consumption and some to sell. They just planted corn on some of our first two acres of land. Lots of tortillas.

Through a state government program we will be provided a greenhouse to plant vegetables. Watters Nursery of Prescott, Arizona has provided us with vegetable seeds to take to Lachiguiri and will provide more for our greenhouse. Then when Thom from Napa, California this November comes to La Ventosa for the "Gran Fiesta", he has planned extra time to teach our people how to grow vegetables in a greenhouse. This is what he teaches in a school in Napa.

While I was in California I met with friends Carlos and Charlie with an organic certifying company. Charlie was the certifyer who certified the coffee for our Lachiguiri coffee growers. They will be marketing a new product that can feed the world and have agreed to help us with seed, teach our people how to grow this crop and have buyers already that will buy the finished product.

Another friend with
Chapin Living Waters has a irrigation program for our type of agriculture program and they are sending a sample package for us. Then our friend Jason, who has worked with the coffee growers, will give us help when he comes down during the winter months.

Damian is a fisherman by trade and many times catches a boatload of fish. This will feed a lot of people. We are also looking into the heifer program. They help with animal husbandry like cattle, goats, and chickens. So we do hope to grow our own basic food supply.

I even have enough silverware left over that Shamrock Dairy provided for our youth campground in Lachiguiri several years ago.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Una Esperanza Huatulco Land

Three years ago Damian obtained part of this parcel to start a mission and feeding program. He with the help of members of one of his missions cleared part of the highway frontage of the land and built what he calls a small Chocita. This is where he has been having Bible Studies and services for some of the people living near this property.

At the top of this column you will find a slide show of Una Esperanza Huatulco of the present use of the property. Since I was last there in June a few more lean-to houses have been built.

There is about 17 acres of land, not all usable but part of the package. The owner has agreed to sell us all of the property for $300,000 pesos. As of August 3 we owe about 220,000 pesos or about $18,000 dollars to pay it off. (the exchange varies a lot day to day)

Pastor Damian has cleared a small portion of the land to grow corn. They just planted the seed.

We will be using the land for temporary housing for the families who need a place to stay. Some of the land we will use for agriculture and animal husbandry. We hope to build right away a multipurpose building where we can feed the people and have Bible Clubs and church.

On the roadside we want to have a storefront where people can stop for sodas and junk food (this is on the main tourist highway). Also we will have a taco stand that a brother in Napa California, Patrick gave money for and he will come in November to teach Hernan how to make his specialty Baha tacos like in his Napa restaurant.

Then we would like a small clinic to serve the health needs, and later a school since most of the children do not attend a school.