Saturday, June 27, 2009

How will we feed the Children?

Yesterday, Pastor Damian took food to the prison for the in-house pastor and his family. They had no food. Prisoners are allowed one bowl of gruel a day. What is gruel? That is the question. One never knows what is in the watery soup they eat. Pastor was very happy after he visited the inmate pastor knowing we had helped this brother. He then spent time encouraging him in the word and teaching him from the classes he had with our Agape Mission online Bible School conferences.

With 450 inmates we desire to help the families who are destitute. Our desire is to fi
rst feed them and then when they are full, teach them of God's love. He wants to be their friend and know them personally.

How can we feed so many? We can start with
miracles like when Jesus fed the 5,000. I have seen food multiplied while living in Lachiguiri during times of food crisis.

With about
17 acres of land we will be cultivating crops both for consumption and some to sell. They just planted corn on some of our first two acres of land. Lots of tortillas.

Through a state government program we will be provided a greenhouse to plant vegetables. Watters Nursery of Prescott, Arizona has provided us with vegetable seeds to take to Lachiguiri and will provide more for our greenhouse. Then when Thom from Napa, California this November comes to La Ventosa for the "Gran Fiesta", he has planned extra time to teach our people how to grow vegetables in a greenhouse. This is what he teaches in a school in Napa.

While I was in California I met with friends Carlos and Charlie with an organic certifying company. Charlie was the certifyer who certified the coffee for our Lachiguiri coffee growers. They will be marketing a new product that can feed the world and have agreed to help us with seed, teach our people how to grow this crop and have buyers already that will buy the finished product.

Another friend with
Chapin Living Waters has a irrigation program for our type of agriculture program and they are sending a sample package for us. Then our friend Jason, who has worked with the coffee growers, will give us help when he comes down during the winter months.

Damian is a fisherman by trade and many times catches a boatload of fish. This will feed a lot of people. We are also looking into the heifer program. They help with animal husbandry like cattle, goats, and chickens. So we do hope to grow our own basic food supply.

I even have enough silverware left over that Shamrock Dairy provided for our youth campground in Lachiguiri several years ago.

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